
Cheng ZHAN Partner
Capital Markets | Dispute Resolution
+86 21 5253 3422 cheng.zhan@zygymsxyzxxy.com Shanghai

Cheng Zhan is a partner at Merits&Tree Law Offices. Prior to joining M&T, he was a partner at Allbright Law Offices.


Mr. Zhan specializes in capital markets and dispute resolution, boasting over twenty years of esteemed legal practice. He has assisted numerous enterprises in achieving successful IPOs or applying for listings across various stock exchanges, including Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong. His expertise spans a range of industries such as high-end equipment manufacturing, bio-pharmaceuticals, logistics, etc.. Mr. Zhan has also provided tailored planning and structure design for the refinancing and significant asset reorganizations of several listed companies, as well as ongoing legal advisory services.

Domestic and Overseas IPO
  • Provided legal services for the initial public offering and listing of A-shares for Shanghai Zhijiang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.;
  • Provided legal services for the initial public offering and listing of A-shares for Zhejiang Tailin Biotechnology Co., Ltd.;
  • Provided legal services for the initial public offering and listing of A-shares for Ashengcan Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.;
  • Provided legal services for the Hong Kong listing for Jiujiuwang Food International Limited.
Listed Company Re-financing and Major Asset Restructuring
  • Provided legal services for the issuance of shares and cash payment for the purchase of assets, and the raising of supporting funds and related party transactions project for Zhejiang Nandu Power Supply Co., Ltd. 
  • Provided legal services for the issuance of shares and cash payment for the purchase of assets, and the raising of supporting funds project for Zhejiang Yiwu HuaDing Nylon Co., Ltd.
  • Provided legal services for the issuance of shares and cash payment for the purchase of assets, and the raising of supporting funds and related party transactions project for Zhejiang Weihai Construction Group Co., Ltd.
  • Provided legal services for the issuance of shares and cash payment for the purchase of assets, and the raising of supporting funds project for Zhejiang Yongtai Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Provided legal services for the issuance of shares and cash payment for the purchase of assets, and the raising of supporting funds and related party transactions project for Sichuan Goldstone Eastern New Materials Equipment Co., Ltd.
  • Provided legal services for the non-public offering of shares for Ningbo Oriental Cable Co., Ltd.
  • Provided legal services for the non-public offering of shares for Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery Co., Ltd.
  • Provided legal services for the non-public offering of shares for Ashengcan Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
  • Provided legal services for the non-public offering of shares for Jiangsu Pacific Precision Forging Technology Co., Ltd.
  • LL.M., Fudan University
  • LL.B., East China University of Political Science and Law


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